Advancing Christian Education in illinois

How we serve you
We believe that excellence in education should be the goal of each Christian school. Our schools seek to prepare students for a productive and successful life in society as they fulfill God’s will. Serving others and faithfulness to a strong, Bible-believing church are logical outcomes to a proper and balanced Christian education.
Our role is to come alongside member schools to provide training, resources, and student life enrichment – all to raise the next generation of Christian leaders.
Where Would You Like to Get STarted?
Don Sherwin
School Administrator
Marquette Manor Baptist Academy
Dave Schneider
School Administrator
Mississippi Valley Christian School
Pastor Paul Rebert
Message From the President
"Of all the stewardship tasks God has given his followers, Christian mothers or fathers may undertake one of the most crucial: directing their children into a life-long, God-glorifying relationship with their Creator. Scripture clearly states that this complex spiritual task is accomplished through inculcating Christlikeness in the child’s spiritual, mental, physical, and social development.
We are convinced that successful Christian education exists to come alongside parents, helping them to accomplish this essential responsibility . . ."